Celebrate Padmasambhava Day

Sangha Night Puja, Sep 11, 7pm to 9pm, with Mokshasi

Sangha (Community) Nights are open to anyone wishing to practice together and connect around Buddhist practices and Dharma teachings.  Our theme for 2024 is "Waking up to Imagination".

Drop in to the SFBC or to our zoom room any Wednesday evening - please arrive a little before 7pm.  Zoom link.   In person safety requirements.  


Padmasambhava is the 8th century Tibetan teacher who helped to establish Buddhism in Tibet. He became an almost mythical figure, transforming demons and confronting obstacles to awakening.

Within Triratna, Padmasambhava is appreciated particularly for his deep connection to Buddhist Tantra and his teachings on the radical transformation of the human psyche.

On this special Sangha Night we will celebrate Padmasambhava Day by meditating together and then exploring the symbolism of Padmasambhava, mainly through ritual (verses of the 7 fold puja plus invocations, mantras and instruments). There will be a short introduction by Mokshasi.


Padmasambhava es el maestro Tibetano del siglo 8 que ayudó a establecer el budismo en el Tibet. Se convirtió en una figura casi mitológica y legendaria al ayudar a transformar nuestros demonios.

En Triratna, Padmasambhava se ha convertido en una figura muy popular en su conexión con el budismo tántrico y la transformación radical de las profundidades humanas en línea con la naturaleza del Dharma.

En esta Noche de Sangha vamos a celebrar el Día de Padmasambhava meditando juntos/as/es y después exploraremos la figura de Padmasambhava a través de un ritual (versos de la puja de las 7 etapas más mantras e instrumentos musicales). Mokshasi dará una breve introducción a la figura de Padmasambhava para aquellos/as/es que no estén familiarizados con ella.


Full September Sangha Night Program      (More information about Sangha Nights.)

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