For Newcomers

Welcome to the San Francisco Buddhist Center!  The classes and courses below are for people with little or no previous experience of meditation or Buddhism, or anyone wanting a refresher.

Twice a year we usually offer a series of four introductory courses: Mindfulness of Breathing meditation; Metta Bhavana/Loving Kindness Meditation; the Foundations of Buddhism; and Mindfulness in Everyday life.  In September and October 2022 we intend to hold classes in person, though we hope also to offer alternatives online.  

We also have many events open to people with all kinds of experience who are interested in going deeper. Please take a look at our Sangha Night, Retreats and Special Events listings. 

If you would like to know more about the SFBC Sangha, please visit our About Us page.

Courses and classes

Thursdays 6pm to 7pm
Thu, Dec 12, 2024

Almost every Thursday, skipping holidays (no class July 4)

Each Thursday evening at 6pm we offer a guided meditation - either mindfulness of breathing or loving kindness - along with practical tips on posture and other aspects of meditation.  No experience is needed - the class is open to complete beginners and to anyone wanting to refresh their practice or find out what the SFBC has to offer. 

Our two main introductory practices:

Mindfulness of the breathing body, (or just Mindfulness of Breathing), is a beautifully simple and deeply transformative practice, where we use the sensations of breathing to ground our awareness in the body, so that we can open to the events of everyday life with more spaciousness, clarity and sensitivity. 

The metta bhavana, or cultivation of loving kindness, is a powerful meditation practice that teaches us how to bring a friendly, kind, curious attention to ourselves and to other people, and to whatever arises in our experience, softening harsh self-criticism and judgment and bringing a sense of ease and openness to our participation in the world. 

Please arrive a few minutes before 6pm.

Suggested donation: $10.  Please check our safety requirements here. 

All our teachers are volunteers and our class fees and donations all go towards keeping our center running so that we can continue to provide a space to practice. 

4 Tuesday evenings, 7pm to 9pm at the SFBC, Feb 7 to 28
Tue, Feb 7, 2023

Would you like to live more creatively, with more freedom, kindness and wisdom, and less fear, irritation and confusion?  The Buddha practiced and then taught meditation for this very purpose, and the practices are readily available to everyone.  

Mindfulness of the Breathing Body, (or just Mindfulness of Breathing), is a beautifully simple and deeply transformative practice, where we use the sensations of breathing to ground our awareness in the body, so that we can open to the events of everyday life with more spaciousness, clarity and sensitivity. 

Practicing in class and at home, we begin to recognize our less helpful habits without always following them, allowing space for new possibilities to emerge. Gradually our relationship with ourselves and others and the world around us becomes easier, more appreciative and attentive.

This is a friendly, practical, easy to follow four-week course. Ideally you will be able to attend at least 3 of the 4 classes. There will be led meditations each evening with time for questions and sharing our discoveries in a safe and welcoming space. 

Suitable for complete beginners to meditation as well as anyone wishing to refresh their practice.

Since this class is in person we have safety requirements - please check them here. However, as things stand, we plan to make masks optional, at least at least while meditating. 

To register: enter the amount you wish to donate in the Event Donation box and click add to cart. The suggested donation is $150 to $110.  Donations are very much appreciated and paying the higher amount helps us to offer our events to those who are not in a position to pay. However if you are experiencing financial difficulties yourself please feel free to pay less. If you are unable to pay anything at this time you can enter 0 and click 'pay later' on the payment page. (If you don't click "pay later" the registration may not go through.)

Thank you!  

More Courses in this series:

In Person: Meditating with Kindness March 7. Introduction to Buddhism May 2, Mindfulness in Everyday Life May 30

Online: Meditating with Kindness Feb 23

4 Thursday evenings, 7pm to 9pm on zoom, Feb 23 to March 16
Thu, Feb 23, 2023


Online Course 4 Thursday evenings, Feb 23 to March 16, 7pm to 9pm

Even as a mother at the risk of her life, watches over and protects her only child, so with a boundless heart let one cherish all living beings. (From the Metta Sutta)

The metta bhavana, or cultivation of loving kindness, is a powerful meditation practice that teaches us how to bring a friendly, kind, curious attention to ourselves and to other people, and to whatever arises in our experience, softening harsh self-criticism and judgment and bringing a sense of ease and openness to our participation in the world. 

In this 4-week online workshop we'll explore different ways to do the practice so that everyone has what they need to continue effectively at home.  The course is friendly, practical and easy to follow. There are guided meditations each evening with plenty of time for questions and sharing our discoveries in a safe and welcoming space.

Suitable for complete beginners to meditation as well as anyone wishing to refresh their practice. 

Please register by Wednesday 5pm Feb 22

To register: enter the amount you wish to donate in the Event Donation box and click add to cart. Suggested donation is $150 to $110.  Donations are very much appreciated but if you are experiencing financial difficulties please feel free to enter a lower amount or enter 0 and click 'pay later' on the payment page. (If you don't click "pay later" the registration may not go through.)

Thank you!  

See also In Person Course - Meditating with Kindness, March 7

4 Tuesday evenings, 7pm to 9pm at the SFBC, March 7 to 28
Tue, Mar 7, 2023

Even as a mother at the risk of her life, watches over and protects her only child, so with a boundless heart let one cherish all living beings. (From the Metta Sutta)

The metta bhavana, or cultivation of loving kindness, is a powerful meditation practice that teaches us how to bring a friendly, kind, curious attention to ourselves and to other people, and to whatever arises in our experience, softening harsh self-criticism and judgment and bringing a sense of ease and openness to our participation in the world. 

In this 4-week workshop we'll explore different ways to do the practice so that everyone has what they need to continue effectively at home.  The course is friendly, practical and easy to follow. There are guided meditations each evening with plenty of time for questions and sharing our discoveries in a safe and welcoming space.

Suitable for complete beginners to meditation as well as anyone wishing to refresh their practice. 

Since this class is in person we have safety requirements - please check them here. However, as things stand, we plan to make masks optional, at least at least while meditating. 

Please register by Monday 5pm March 6

To register: enter the amount you wish to donate in the Event Donation box and click add to cart. The suggested donation is $150 to $110.  Donations are very much appreciated and paying the higher amount helps us to offer our events to those who are not in a position to pay. However if you are experiencing financial difficulties yourself please feel free to pay less. If you are unable to pay anything at this time you can enter 0 and click 'pay later' on the payment page. (If you don't click "pay later" the registration may not go through.)

Thank you!  

4 Tuesday evenings, 7pm to 9pm at the SFBC, May 2 to 23
Tue, May 2, 2023

Buddhism is a vision of human existence. It is also a practical guide that we can apply to every aspect of our lives.  Meditation and buddhist principles, practiced together, bring us closer to our direct experience, dissolving our misperceptions to reveal the boundless potential and precious opportunity of life. 

Central to Buddhist practice is a deep desire to understand suffering and the means to end suffering; to discover the "magic of the ordinary";  and to live in harmony with ourselves and those around us.

This introductory course aims to bring us closer to the principles of buddhist practice and experience its liberating potential. 

What you will learn:

  • Introduction: what buddhist traditions have in common
  • The relevance of the historical Buddha for us today
  • The Buddha's teachings
    • The Four Noble Truths: suffering, cause of suffering, cease of suffering, Noble Eightfold Path
    • Three marks of human existence.
    • Buddhist meditation - why meditation is important in Buddhism, and how Buddhist principles help us go deeper with meditation.
    • Working with the transformation of difficult emotions and perceptions.

There will also be time to discuss topics that arise during the course.

The course is informal, interactive, and friendly, and is open to anyone interested in Buddhism for its own sake, or as a means to support and deepen meditation practice. 

Since this class is in person we have safety requirements - please check them here. Right now masks are optional

Please register by Monday 5pm May 2

To register: enter the amount you wish to donate in the Event Donation box and click add to cart. The suggested donation is $150 to $110.  Donations are very much appreciated and paying the higher amount helps us to offer our events to those who are not in a position to pay. However if you are experiencing financial difficulties yourself please feel free to pay less. If you are unable to pay anything at this time you can enter 0 and click 'pay later' on the payment page. (If you don't click "pay later" the registration may not go through.)

Thank you!  

In Person, Tuesdays Nov 26 to Dec 17, 7pm to 9pm
Tue, Nov 26, 2024


Buddhism is a vision of human existence. It is also a practical guide that we can apply to every aspect of our lives.  Meditation and buddhist principles, practiced together, bring us closer to our direct experience, dissolving our misperceptions to reveal the boundless potential and precious opportunity of life. 

Central to Buddhist practice is a deep desire to understand suffering and the means to end suffering; to discover the "magic of the ordinary";  and to live in harmony with ourselves and those around us.

This introductory course aims to bring us closer to the principles of buddhist practice and experience its liberating potential. 

What you will learn:

  • Introduction: what buddhist traditions have in common
  • The relevance of the historical Buddha for us today
  • The Buddha's teachings
    • The Four Noble Truths: suffering, cause of suffering, cease of suffering, Noble Eightfold Path
    • Three marks of human existence.
    • Buddhist meditation - why meditation is important in Buddhism, and how Buddhist principles help us go deeper with meditation.
    • Working with the transformation of difficult emotions and perceptions.

There will also be time to discuss topics that arise during the course.

The course is informal, interactive, and friendly, and is open to anyone interested in Buddhism for its own sake, or as a means to support and deepen meditation practice. 

Since this class is in person we have safety requirements - please check them here. Right now masks are optional

To register: enter the amount you wish to donate in the Event Donation box and click add to cart. The range is $150 to $110, and paying the higher amount helps us to offer our events to those who are not in a position to pay. No-one is turned away for lack of funds, so please let us know if you require a lower rate. If you prefer to pay when you come in person you can enter 0 and click 'pay later' on the payment page. (If you don't click "pay later" the registration may not go through.)

All our teachers are volunteers and our class fees and donations all go towards keeping our center running so that we can continue to provide a space to practice. 

Thank you!  

This course is a series of 4 courses you can take in any order.

In Person Course, Tuesdays, Oct 1 to 22, 7pm to 9pm
Tue, Oct 1, 2024


Even as a mother at the risk of her life, watches over and protects her only child, so with a boundless heart let one cherish all living beings. (From the Metta Sutta)

The metta bhavana, or cultivation of loving kindness, is a powerful meditation practice that teaches us how to bring a friendly, kind, curious attention to ourselves and to other people, and to whatever arises in our experience, softening harsh self-criticism and judgment and bringing a sense of ease and openness to our participation in the world. 

In this 4-week workshop we'll explore different ways to do the practice so that everyone has what they need to continue effectively at home.  The course is friendly, practical and easy to follow. There are guided meditations each evening with plenty of time for questions and sharing our discoveries in a safe and welcoming space.

Suitable for complete beginners to meditation as well as anyone wishing to refresh their practice. 

Since this class is in person we have safety requirements - please check them here. However, as things stand, we plan to make masks optional, at least at least while meditating. 

More Courses:  Introduction to BuddhismMindfulness for Life: Meditation and Qigong

To register: enter the amount you wish to donate in the Event Donation box and click add to cart. The range is $150 to $110, and paying the higher amount helps us to offer our events to those who are not in a position to pay. No-one is turned away for lack of funds, so please let us know if you require a lower rate. If you prefer to pay when you come in person you can enter 0 and click 'pay later' on the payment page. (If you don't click "pay later" the registration may not go through.)

All our teachers are volunteers and our class fees and donations all go towards keeping our center running so that we can continue to provide a space to practice. 

Thank you!  

In Person on Tuesdays, Sep 3 to 24, 7pm to 9pm
Tue, Sep 3, 2024


Would you like to live more creatively, with more freedom, kindness and wisdom, and less fear, irritation and confusion?  The Buddha practiced and then taught meditation for this very purpose, and the practices are readily available to everyone.  

Mindfulness of Breathing, or Anapanasati, is a beautifully simple and deeply transformative practice, where we use the sensations of breathing to ground our awareness in the body, so that we can open to the inner and outer events of everyday life with more spaciousness, clarity and compassion. 

Practicing in class and at home, we begin to recognize our less helpful habits without always following them, allowing space for new possibilities to emerge. Gradually our relationship with ourselves and others and the world around us becomes easier, more appreciative and attentive.

This is a friendly, practical, easy to follow four-week course. Ideally you will be able to attend at least 3 of the 4 classes. There will be guided meditations each evening - sitting, mindful movement, and lying down - with time for questions and sharing our discoveries in a safe and welcoming space. 

Suitable for complete beginners to meditation as well as anyone wishing to refresh their practice.

Masks are optional, but please check our other safety requirements here

To register: enter the amount you wish to donate in the Event Donation box and click add to cart. The range is $150 to $110, and paying the higher amount helps us to offer our events to those who are not in a position to pay. No-one is turned away for lack of funds, so please let us know if you require a lower rate. If you prefer to pay when you come in person you can enter 0 and click 'pay later' on the payment page. (If you don't click "pay later" the registration may not go through.) 

All our teachers are volunteers and our class fees and donations all go towards keeping our center running so that we can continue to provide a space to practice. 

Wednesday Sep 18, with special guest Arthabandhu
Wed, Sep 18, 2024

Explore the magic of the dream world on this special Wednesday Sangha Night, 7pm to 9pm

Arthabandhu has generously offered to lead this evening while visiting from the UK. Drawing from 20 years of exploring the dream world and the benefits it can offer he will guide us in reconnecting with the magic of our dream lives and show how dreams can be part of a rich Dharma life.

He has long had a special interest in dreams and has explored them in relation to Buddhist practice ever since hearing Urgyen Sangharakshita say: “If you want to really know yourself, pay attention to your dreams.”  He lives in the UK, working with adults with learning disabilities and is visiting us after volunteering at a summer camp for people with disabilities in Minnesota.

Here is his website.

Our Sangha nights are open to anyone interested in Buddhist practices and Meditation.  They are hybrid - for in person please check our safety guidelines, for zoom you'll find the link here

Wednesdays July to Sep, 7pm to 9pm, in person and online
Wed, Jul 24, 2024

Sangha (Community) Nights are open to anyone wishing to practice together and connect around Buddhist practices and Dharma teachings.  

In person and on zoom.   Zoom link.   In person safety requirements.  All Welcome. (More information about Sangha Nights.)


Our theme for 2024 is Waking Up to Imagination.


July 24, 31 and Aug 7: Mindfulness as Insight Practice, with special guest Paramabodhi

Full Information here


August 14: Buddha Shakyamuni Puja*, with Mokshasi


August 21: Mantra* and Chanting Workshop, with Danamaya and Claudia

So what is this chanting thing all about? And what, exactly, are we saying when we repeat these words? And what if I can’t carry a tune? All this and more will be covered in this workshop. We’ll explore the nature of mantra, the various forms that we use here, and how to enjoy and get the most out of your chanting. We’ll be covering the Refuges and Precepts and two ways to chant our most commonly chanted mantras. No experience or talent needed! But do bring your curiosity and your big, kind heart. 


August 28: Prasadachitta, A Different Perspective


September 4: Dharmadhara and Sangha Visioning and Imagining, with Prasadachitta


September 11: Padmasambhava Day Puja*, with Mokshasi


September 18: The Dharma of Dreams, with special guest, Arthabandhu

Arthabandhu will help us explore ways to reconnect with the magic of our dream lives and show how dreams can be part of a rich Dharma life.

More information on this page.


September 25: Mitra Ceremony

Three members of our community have made a personal commitment to practicing with the SFBC Sangha as Mitras and following the Buddhist precepts of non-harm. This simple and joyful ceremony will mark the occasion.  


* What is a Puja?      What is a Mantra?      Who was Padmasambhava?


Special Series with Paramabodhi in July 24 to August 7
Wed, Aug 7, 2024

Wednesday Sangha Nights, 7pm to 9pm

July 24, 31 and August 7

In person and on zoom.   Zoom link.   In person safety requirements.

Plus a Day Retreat Saturday August 10, 10am to 4pm: Mindfulness of the Buddha

This series will be led by special guest Paramabodhi, visiting from the UK.  

Inspired by the Satipatthana Sutta and the direct teachings of the Buddha, Paramabodhi will emphasize the use of our imagination to engage fully with this beautiful sutta and deepen our mindfulness practice. 

The Satipatthana is one of the most influential meditation texts in Buddhism, and can support us to live with more embodied awareness, contentment and insight.

Sangha (Community) Nights are open to anyone wishing to connect around Buddhist practices and Dharma teachings.  

Please pre-register for the Day Retreat here

Satipatthana Books and Resources

Life of The Buddha, translated from Pali by Nanamoli, p240ff

Living with Awareness, A Guide to the Satipatthana Sutta, by Sangharakshita

Satipatthana, the Direct Path to Realization, by Analayo

Satipatthana Meditations led by Analayo, Windhorse Publications

The Way of Mindfulness, Dharma Training Course for Mitras, compiled by Vidyamala

Saturday, April 27th, 10 AM, Dolores Park (Meet at the corner of 20th and Dolores)
Sat, Apr 27, 2024


Collectively, we are facing many critical issues, including horrific violence across the globe and at home. This is happening alongside much that is positive and beautiful, which can create a sense of dissonance or distraction. In the midst of all of this, the climate crisis continues. It can be quite easy to fall into horrified anxiety or just check out. How do we hold it all? Can we? What are skillful responses? There will be space to share what's difficult and what is helpful in our practice. Please bring what you need to sit outside. Meet at 20th & Dolores. Rain cancels.

Please register on the Climate Week Calendar so we have a sense of how many people are coming.


Saturday May 18, 9am to 12 noon
Sat, May 18, 2024

Please join Mokshasi at the SFBC for a very simple, silent morning of meditation practice. You're welcome to come for the whole morning or any portion of it - just please be sure to arrive during a break, as we will be unable to let you in otherwise. Please pre-register so we have an idea of numbers. 

Meditations will be unguided, just bells, and the opportunity to sit together in our lovely shrine room. 

As for all our in person events we ask that you check the requirements here before attending.

Session 1

Doors open at 8:45am and close by 9am.  

9am short welcoming ritual followed by meditation to 9:45am, followed by 15 minutes to lie down, take a break, walk or leave.

Session 2

Doors open at 9:45am and close by 10am.  

Meditation 10am to 10:45am, followed by 15 minutes to lie down, take a break, walk or leave.

Session 3

Doors open at 10:45am and close by 11am.  

Meditation 11am to 11:45am


Registration and Donations

Enter the amount you wish to donate in the Event Donation box and click add to cart. Our suggestion is $20 to $40, but donations of any amount are very much appreciated. (If you enter 0 please make sure to click 'pay later' on the payment page (otherwise the registration won't work). Drop us an email if you have any difficulty.)

Please add to your address book so we can keep you up-to-date with any changes.*  

New Course combining Mindful Movement (Qigong) and Sitting Meditation
Tue, Apr 30, 2024

Next Course Oct/Nov 2024

Four Tuesday evenings, in person at the SFBC

April 30 to May 21, 7pm to 9pm, with Padmatara


This new course integrates the profound wisdom of the body into the art of meditation.

Combining mindful movement and meditation helps us to establish a regular practice of both.

The gentle movements of Qigong harmonize the nervous system, and together with sitting meditation they open our body, heart, mind to a deeper sense of mindfulness, compassion and serenity in our everyday lives.

Suitable for all levels of experience.

The sitting and walking Meditations we'll explore include Mindfulness of Breathing, Metta Bhavana (Cultivation of Loving Kindness), and Embodied Awareness. These practices come from the Buddhist tradition and bring many benefits, including a calm and open heart and mind and a deep, embodied sense of interconnectedness.

Qigong (chee-gong) is a healing practice dating back to ancient China. Qi is usually translated as vital life force or energy or vibration, and gong is cultivation or exchange. We'll practice simple movements that keep our energy flowing, prevent stagnation, and awaken inner healing, while softening the boundaries between inner and outer worlds.

These two forms support each other beautifully, and with regular practice they can have a profoundly healing effect on our lives, allowing our natural confidence to flow freely.

Everything we will learn and practice can be adapted to most physical limitations - for example they can be done standing, sitting or even to some extent lying down. No need to bring anything with you, but you may want to wear loose fitting clothes so you'll be comfortable sitting and moving. 

Since this class is in person we have safety requirements - please check them here


Please register by Monday 5pm April 29

To register: enter the amount you wish to donate in the Event Donation box and click add to cart. The range is $150 to $110, and paying the higher amount helps us to offer our events to those who are not in a position to pay. No-one is turned away for lack of funds, so please let us know if you require a lower rate. If you prefer to pay when you come in person you can enter 0 and click 'pay later' on the payment page. (If you don't click "pay later" the registration may not go through.)

All our teachers are volunteers and our class fees and donations all go towards keeping our center running so that we can continue to provide a space to practice. 

Thank you!  

4 Tuesday evenings, April 2 to 23, 7pm TO 9pm
Tue, Apr 2, 2024

Next Course begins in Fall 2024

Buddhism is a vision of human existence. It is also a practical guide that we can apply to every aspect of our lives.  Meditation and buddhist principles, practiced together, bring us closer to our direct experience, dissolving our misperceptions to reveal the boundless potential and precious opportunity of life. 

Central to Buddhist practice is a deep desire to understand suffering and the means to end suffering; to discover the "magic of the ordinary";  and to live in harmony with ourselves and those around us.

This introductory course aims to bring us closer to the principles of buddhist practice and experience its liberating potential. 

What you will learn:

  • Introduction: what buddhist traditions have in common
  • The relevance of the historical Buddha for us today
  • The Buddha's teachings
    • The Four Noble Truths: suffering, cause of suffering, cease of suffering, Noble Eightfold Path
    • Three marks of human existence.
    • Buddhist meditation - why meditation is important in Buddhism, and how Buddhist principles help us go deeper with meditation.
    • Working with the transformation of difficult emotions and perceptions.

There will also be time to discuss topics that arise during the course.

The course is informal, interactive, and friendly, and is open to anyone interested in Buddhism for its own sake, or as a means to support and deepen meditation practice. 

Since this class is in person we have safety requirements - please check them here. Right now masks are optional

Please register by Monday April 1

More Courses: Mindfulness for Life: Meditation and Qigong

To register: enter the amount you wish to donate in the Event Donation box and click add to cart. The range is $150 to $110, and paying the higher amount helps us to offer our events to those who are not in a position to pay. No-one is turned away for lack of funds, so please let us know if you require a lower rate. If you prefer to pay when you come in person you can enter 0 and click 'pay later' on the payment page. (If you don't click "pay later" the registration may not go through.)

All our teachers are volunteers and our class fees and donations all go towards keeping our center running so that we can continue to provide a space to practice. 

Thank you!  

This course is a series of 4 courses you can take in any order.

In person March 5 to 26, 7pm to 9pm
Tue, Mar 5, 2024

Even as a mother at the risk of her life, watches over and protects her only child, so with a boundless heart let one cherish all living beings. (From the Metta Sutta)

The metta bhavana, or cultivation of loving kindness, is a powerful meditation practice that teaches us how to bring a friendly, kind, curious attention to ourselves and to other people, and to whatever arises in our experience, softening harsh self-criticism and judgment and bringing a sense of ease and openness to our participation in the world. 

In this 4-week workshop we'll explore different ways to do the practice so that everyone has what they need to continue effectively at home.  The course is friendly, practical and easy to follow. There are guided meditations each evening with plenty of time for questions and sharing our discoveries in a safe and welcoming space.

Suitable for complete beginners to meditation as well as anyone wishing to refresh their practice. 

Since this class is in person we have safety requirements - please check them here. However, as things stand, we plan to make masks optional, at least at least while meditating. 

More Courses:  Introduction to Buddhism, Mindfulness for Life: Meditation and Qigong

To register: enter the amount you wish to donate in the Event Donation box and click add to cart. The range is $150 to $110, and paying the higher amount helps us to offer our events to those who are not in a position to pay. No-one is turned away for lack of funds, so please let us know if you require a lower rate. If you prefer to pay when you come in person you can enter 0 and click 'pay later' on the payment page. (If you don't click "pay later" the registration may not go through.)

All our teachers are volunteers and our class fees and donations all go towards keeping our center running so that we can continue to provide a space to practice. 

Thank you!  

Four Thursday Evenings on Zoom
Thu, Jan 25, 2024

Jan 25 to Feb 15 - Four Thursday Evenings - 7pm to 8:30pm on Zoom

Would you like to live more creatively, with more freedom, kindness and wisdom, and less fear, irritation and confusion?  The Buddha practiced and then taught meditation for this very purpose, and the practices are readily available to everyone.  

Mindfulness of Breathing, or Anapanasati, is a beautifully simple and deeply transformative practice, where we use the sensations of breathing to ground our awareness in the body, so that we can open to the inner and outer events of everyday life with more spaciousness, clarity and compassion. 

Practicing in class and at home, we begin to recognize our less helpful habits without always following them, allowing space for new possibilities to emerge. Gradually our relationship with ourselves and others and the world around us becomes easier, more appreciative and attentive.

This is a friendly, practical, easy to follow four-week course. Ideally you will be able to attend at least 3 of the 4 classes. There will be led meditations each evening - sitting, mindful movement, and lying down - with time for questions and sharing our discoveries in a safe and welcoming space. 

Suitable for complete beginners to meditation as well as anyone wishing to refresh their practice.

The Zoom link will be sent near the beginning of the course.  Meanwhile feel free to email us with any questions. 

Register by Jan 24

To register: enter the amount you wish to donate in the Event Donation box and click add to cart. The range is $150 to $110, and paying the higher amount helps us to offer our events to those who are not in a position to pay. No-one is turned away for lack of funds, so please let us know if you require a lower rate. If you prefer to pay when you come in person you can enter 0 and click 'pay later' on the payment page. (If you don't click "pay later" the registration may not go through.) 

All our teachers are volunteers and our class fees and donations all go towards keeping our center running so that we can continue to provide a space to practice. 

See also In person Course. 

October 2024
Tue, Oct 31, 2023
Thank you to all those who contributed to this fundraiser and everyone who came to the film. We managed to raise $680 for Friendship House. 
To mark Indigenous Peoples Day October 9, we are holding our second fundraiser in support of Friendship House, an Indigenous led Organization in the Mission (15th & Julian off of Mission St), that has been providing services to Native Americans for almost 60 years.

For the whole of October all donations for Sangha Nights will go to Friendship House to support their programs.  Please give a little extra if you are able.  You can pay with cash or credit card on Wednesday nights, or pay any time through PayPal (special benefit), or PayPal Giving Fund (no fees), Venmo (@SFBuddhistcenter),  or Zelle (no fees). 

Thank you to everyone who attended our Movie Night Oct 8! (See below - well worth streaming!) 

Reel Injun: on the trail of the Hollywood Indian, 2010, by Neil Diamond, one of Canada's foremost Aboriginal filmmakers and photographers, from the Cree community of Waskaganish, traces the evolution of cinema’s depiction of Native people from the silent film era to today, with clips from hundreds of classic and recent Hollywood movies, and candid interviews with celebrated Native and non-Native film celebrities, activists, film critics, and historians.

Last year we raised $780 - let's see if we can top that this year.

Thursdays at Noon with Aubree Gilbert
Thu, Dec 19, 2024

Regular Schedule

Thursdays 12 noon to 1pm

New times will be posted here

Join us for an hour of mindful, stress-releasing yoga with Aubree.  

Mats are provided but feel free to bring your own.  

This is a drop in class. $20 per class. 

Please check our safety requirements here, and email with any questions. 

Teacher bio

Aubree Gilbert is a trauma-informed mindful yoga, meditation and art coach specializing in mindfulness for mental health. She teaches in schools and juvenile detention centers around the Bay Area working with youth, social workers, correctional officers as well as experience teaching in studios and gyms. She works both 1:1 and in groups to educate people on the impacts of stress, how to be with and process emotions and build healthy habits through Mindfulness/Yoga. Her trainings include but aren't limited to Niroga Institute: Center for Mindful Stress Resilience, The Prison Yoga Project, The Art of Yoga Project, Yoga Tree and more. Aubree is passionate about holding space for people to learn, experiment, and explore, serving as a guide for those who wish to feel better in their heads, hearts and bodies.

More information on Aubree's website.

Encounters on the Path: Demons, Dakinis, and Gurus
Wed, Sep 27, 2023

Continuing our 2023 theme: Pathways to Awakening, this month we will share stories of some of the archetypal, mythological, beautiful and scary beings we are likely to encounter on the path, and see what they have to teach us about staying present and waking up.

Sep 6:   Embracing our demons (and allies): the Buddha's journey, with Padmatara

Sep 13:  Milarepa's story, with Viradhamma

Sep 20:  Meeting the Dakinis, with Karunadakini

Sep: 27: Padmasambhava Day Celebration, with Mokshasi

For in person attendance please make sure you can agree to our safety requirements listed here. (No need to register.)

Sangha Night Donations

We suggest $10 to $5 for Sangha Nights. If you'd prefer to pay monthly, ask about our dana program.  

All our teachers are volunteers and any donations we receive go towards keeping our center running so that we can continue to provide a space for practice. 

Registe here to receive zoom link (you only need to do this once - we will update you of any changes). Enter the amount you wish to donate in the box below, and if you prefer to pay another way, you can enter 0, but if you do this please make sure to click 'pay later' on the payment page, otherwise the registration won't work. Drop us an email if you have any difficulty. It may take up to a day or two to receive the zoom link - thank you for your patience.

Please add to your address book so we can keep you up-to-date with any changes.*  

Sep 14 to Oct 5, 4 Thursday Evenings, 7pm to 8:30pm on zoom
Thu, Sep 14, 2023

Buddhism is a vision of human existence. It is also a practical guide that we can apply to every aspect of our lives.  Meditation and buddhist principles, practiced together, bring us closer to our direct experience, dissolving our misperceptions to reveal the boundless potential and precious opportunity of life. 

Central to Buddhist practice is a deep desire to understand suffering and the means to end suffering; to discover the "magic of the ordinary";  and to live in harmony with ourselves and those around us.

This introductory course aims to bring us closer to the principles of buddhist practice and experience its liberating potential. 

What you will learn:

  • Introduction: what buddhist traditions have in common
  • The relevance of the historical Buddha for us today
  • The Buddha's teachings
    • The Four Noble Truths: suffering, cause of suffering, cease of suffering, Noble Eightfold Path
    • Three marks of human existence.
    • Buddhist meditation - why meditation is important in Buddhism, and how Buddhist principles help us go deeper with meditation.
    • Working with the transformation of difficult emotions and perceptions.

There will also be time to discuss topics that arise during the course.

The course is informal, interactive, and friendly, and is open to anyone interested in Buddhism for its own sake, or as a means to support and deepen meditation practice. 

Please register by Wednesday 5pm Sep 13 and we will send you the zoom link.

To register: enter the amount you wish to donate in the Event Donation box and click add to cart. The range is $150 to $110, and paying the higher amount helps us to offer our events to those who are not in a position to pay. No-one is turned away for lack of funds, so please let us know if you require a lower rate. If you prefer to pay when you come in person you can enter 0 and click 'pay later' on the payment page. (If you don't click "pay later" the registration may not go through.)

All our teachers are volunteers and our class fees and donations all go towards keeping our center running so that we can continue to provide a space to practice. 

Thank you!  

This course is a series of 4 courses you can take in any order. We have not yet scheduled more online courses, but you can find out more from our in person course descriptions:

Mindfulness of Breathing Sep 5 to 26

Meditating with Kindness Oct 3 to 24

Mindfulness in Everyday Life Oct 31 to Nov 21

Buddhism Introductory Course Nov 28 to Dec 19 (same as this course)

Nov 28 to Dec 19, 4 Tuesday Evenings, 7pm to 9pm in person
Tue, Nov 28, 2023

Buddhism is a vision of human existence. It is also a practical guide that we can apply to every aspect of our lives.  Meditation and buddhist principles, practiced together, bring us closer to our direct experience, dissolving our misperceptions to reveal the boundless potential and precious opportunity of life. 

Central to Buddhist practice is a deep desire to understand suffering and the means to end suffering; to discover the "magic of the ordinary";  and to live in harmony with ourselves and those around us.

This introductory course aims to bring us closer to the principles of buddhist practice and experience its liberating potential. 

What you will learn:

  • Introduction: what buddhist traditions have in common
  • The relevance of the historical Buddha for us today
  • The Buddha's teachings
    • The Four Noble Truths: suffering, cause of suffering, cease of suffering, Noble Eightfold Path
    • Three marks of human existence.
    • Buddhist meditation - why meditation is important in Buddhism, and how Buddhist principles help us go deeper with meditation.
    • Working with the transformation of difficult emotions and perceptions.

There will also be time to discuss topics that arise during the course.

The course is informal, interactive, and friendly, and is open to anyone interested in Buddhism for its own sake, or as a means to support and deepen meditation practice. 

Since this class is in person we have safety requirements - please check them here. Right now masks are optional

Please register by Monday 5pm Nov 27

To register: enter the amount you wish to donate in the Event Donation box and click add to cart. The range is $150 to $110, and paying the higher amount helps us to offer our events to those who are not in a position to pay. No-one is turned away for lack of funds, so please let us know if you require a lower rate. If you prefer to pay when you come in person you can enter 0 and click 'pay later' on the payment page. (If you don't click "pay later" the registration may not go through.)

All our teachers are volunteers and our class fees and donations all go towards keeping our center running so that we can continue to provide a space to practice. 

Thank you!  

This course is a series of 4 courses you can take in any order.

Mindfulness of Breathing, Sep 5 to 26 (and Feb)

Meditating with Kindness, Oct 3 to 24

Mindfulness in Everyday Life Oct 31 to Nov 21

Buddhism Introductory Course (this course)

or Online Buddhism Introductory Course Sep 14 to Oct 5.

Oct 31 to Nov 21, 4 Tuesday evenings, 7pm to 9pm, In Person
Tue, Oct 31, 2023


Mindfulness is the ability to give our undivided attention to the present moment and to wholeheartedly engage with and respond to what is happening. It enhances all experience. In this course we will learn how to apply mindfulness to our day-to-day activities and bring greater joy, depth, and spaciousness into our lives. No experience necessary.

Open to complete beginners and anyone wishing to refresh, support and deepen their practice. 

Masks are optional but please check our other safety requirements here

Please register by Monday 5pm Oct 30

To register: enter the amount you wish to donate in the Event Donation box and click add to cart. The range is $150 to $110, and paying the higher amount helps us to offer our events to those who are not in a position to pay. No-one is turned away for lack of funds, so please let us know if you require a lower rate. If you prefer to pay when you come in person you can enter 0 and click 'pay later' on the payment page. (If you don't click "pay later" the registration may not go through.)

All our teachers are volunteers and our class fees and donations all go towards keeping our center running so that we can continue to provide a space to practice. 

Thank you!  

This course is a series of 4 courses you can take in any order.

Mindfulness of Breathing, Sep 5 to 26 (and Feb)

Meditating with Kindness, Oct 3 to 24

Mindfulness in Everyday Life (this course) next course March/April 2024

Buddhism Introductory Course Nov 28 to Dec 19

or Online Buddhism Introductory Course Sep 14 to Oct 5.

Oct 3 to 24, 4 Tuesday Evenings, 7pm to 9pm, in person
Tue, Oct 3, 2023


Even as a mother at the risk of her life, watches over and protects her only child, so with a boundless heart let one cherish all living beings. (From the Metta Sutta)

The metta bhavana, or cultivation of loving kindness, is a powerful meditation practice that teaches us how to bring a friendly, kind, curious attention to ourselves and to other people, and to whatever arises in our experience, softening harsh self-criticism and judgment and bringing a sense of ease and openness to our participation in the world. 

In this 4-week workshop we'll explore different ways to do the practice so that everyone has what they need to continue effectively at home.  The course is friendly, practical and easy to follow. There are guided meditations each evening with plenty of time for questions and sharing our discoveries in a safe and welcoming space.

Suitable for complete beginners to meditation as well as anyone wishing to refresh their practice. 

Since this class is in person we have safety requirements - please check them here. However, as things stand, we plan to make masks optional, at least at least while meditating. 

Please register by Monday 5pm Oct 2

To register: enter the amount you wish to donate in the Event Donation box and click add to cart. The range is $150 to $110, and paying the higher amount helps us to offer our events to those who are not in a position to pay. No-one is turned away for lack of funds, so please let us know if you require a lower rate. If you prefer to pay when you come in person you can enter 0 and click 'pay later' on the payment page. (If you don't click "pay later" the registration may not go through.)

All our teachers are volunteers and our class fees and donations all go towards keeping our center running so that we can continue to provide a space to practice. 

Thank you!  

This course is a series of 4 courses you can take in any order:

Mindfulness of Breathing, Sep 5 to 26 (next course Feb 2024)

Meditating with Kindness (this course) next course March 2024

Mindfulness in Everyday Life Oct 31 to Nov 21

Buddhism Introductory Course Nov 28 to Dec 19

or Online Buddhism Introductory Course Sep 14 to Oct 5.

A Fund Raiser for Karuna USA
Sun, Sep 17, 2023

In honor of Buddhist Action Month, please join us for the opening night of our Film Festival! We are raising funds for Karuna-USA to help reduce the suffering of many thousands of beings.  One hundred percent of funds raised will go to Karuna USA’s climate change projects in three countries: India, Bangladesh and Nepal.

We have four inspiring, highly rated and fascinating films on the theme of climate justice and recovery and adaptation efforts happening now.

Click here for more information and tickets

Please join us: either in person OR on Zoom.

Please help us spread the word about this fundraiser to your respective sanghas, communities and contacts by forwarding this email and or posting the event link on social media.

Thank you so much on behalf of all the beings at risk and suffering now and in the future as our climate continues to change. Any donation amounts translate to a big difference in this part of the world.

With gratitude,

The Green Sangha/San Francisco Buddhist Center/Karuna-USA

Sep 5 to 26, 4 Tuesday Evenings, 7pm to 9pm, in person
Tue, Sep 5, 2023

Would you like to live more creatively, with more freedom, kindness and wisdom, and less fear, irritation and confusion?  The Buddha practiced and then taught meditation for this very purpose, and the practices are readily available to everyone.  

Mindfulness of Breathing, or Anapanasati, is a beautifully simple and deeply transformative practice, where we use the sensations of breathing to ground our awareness in the body, so that we can open to the inner and outer events of everyday life with more spaciousness, clarity and compassion. 

Practicing in class and at home, we begin to recognize our less helpful habits without always following them, allowing space for new possibilities to emerge. Gradually our relationship with ourselves and others and the world around us becomes easier, more appreciative and attentive.

This is a friendly, practical, easy to follow four-week course. Ideally you will be able to attend at least 3 of the 4 classes. There will be led meditations each evening - sitting, mindful movement, and lying down - with time for questions and sharing our discoveries in a safe and welcoming space. 

Suitable for complete beginners to meditation as well as anyone wishing to refresh their practice.

Masks are optional, but please check our other safety requirements here

To register: enter the amount you wish to donate in the Event Donation box and click add to cart. The range is $150 to $110, and paying the higher amount helps us to offer our events to those who are not in a position to pay. No-one is turned away for lack of funds, so please let us know if you require a lower rate. If you prefer to pay when you come in person you can enter 0 and click 'pay later' on the payment page. (If you don't click "pay later" the registration may not go through.) 

All our teachers are volunteers and our class fees and donations all go towards keeping our center running so that we can continue to provide a space to practice. 

Register by Sep 4.

Thank you!  

This course is a series of 4 courses you can take in any order: 

Mindfulness of Breathing (this course) next course Feb 2024

Meditating with Kindness Oct 3 to 24

Mindfulness in Everyday Life Oct 31 to Nov 21

Buddhism Introductory Course Nov 28 to Dec 19

or Online Buddhism Introductory Course Sep 14 to Oct 5.

4 Tuesday evenings , 7pm to 9pm at the SFBC, May 30 to June 20
Tue, May 30, 2023

Mindfulness is the ability to give our undivided attention to the present moment and to wholeheartedly engage with and respond to what is happening. It enhances all experience. In this course we will learn how to apply mindfulness to our day-to-day activities and bring greater joy, depth, and spaciousness into our lives. No experience necessary.

Open to complete beginners and anyone wishing to refresh, support and deepen their practice. 

Since this class is in person we have safety requirements - please check them here. Right now masks are optional

Please register by Monday 5pm May 29

To register: enter the amount you wish to donate in the Event Donation box and click add to cart. The suggested donation is $150 to $110.  Donations are very much appreciated and paying the higher amount helps us to offer our events to those who are not in a position to pay. However if you are experiencing financial difficulties yourself please feel free to pay less. If you are unable to pay anything at this time you can enter 0 and click 'pay later' on the payment page. (If you don't click "pay later" the registration may not go through.)

Thank you!