Wednesday Sangha Nights - Practicing in Community

Our Wednesday Sangha Nights are dedicated to supporting anyone wishing to experience and share the benefits of Buddhist practice. We are committed to strengthening the connection between personal practice and positive action in the world around us, and providing a welcoming and safe place for all those who want to participate. All are welcome here.

In Person with a zoom option

Classes are informal and interactive. Introductions are followed by meditation and after the tea break there's usually a talk, workshop or discussion. No particular experience is required, though if you have not meditated before we recommend first attending one of our introductory classes

Most of our practice periods begin with Saluting the 3 Jewels and we sometimes chant the Refuges and Precepts together. 

Suggested donation: $10–$5, or whatever you can afford. If you'd like a brief orientation please arrive before 7pm. 


Our theme for 2025 is Hearts that Heal

More information about the theme here.


Sangha Night Classes

Wednesdays, 7pm to 9pm from Feb 5
Wed, Feb 12, 2025

Sangha Nights are every Wednesday evening (except holidays), 7pm to 9pm, In Person and On zoom, from Feb 5 to Dec 17.  More information here.

Hearts that Heal

Throughout 2025 we will explore both meanings of our theme Hearts that Heal:

ways to heal the heart; and

ways that a wise, open, cared-for heart can have a healing effect on world around us. 

Our framework for this exploration will be the Six Paramitas of the Bodhisattva Path. Paramita can translate as "perfection" or "that which has gone beyond (duality or delusion)". The six paramitas are six liberating qualities that heal through taking us beyond suffering to freedom. These qualities are cultivated by Bodhisattvas dedicated to ending suffering for themselves and all beings, but they are also accessible and beneficial practices for all of us, just as we are right now. They open us to Bodhicitta - the heart of awakening, that is always present but usually hidden. 

We encourage you attend these Wednesday classes regularly if you can, as this will give you a deeper experience of the healing and empowering qualities of these teachings. But of course you are welcome to drop in as and when you are able.  Sangha Nights are open to anyone interested in connecting around Buddhist Practices.  

Here is a brief outline of the program. (More will be added as each month approaches): 


February: Dana Paramita

Healing through Generosity - giving without conditions to free ourselves and others from suffering.


March: Sila Paramita

Healing through living in accordance with the Ethical Precepts of non-harm and kindness; acting in ways that cause no suffering and align with freedom

March 5: Acarasiddhi takes us from Generosity to Ethics

March 12: SFBC Party and Fundraiser at Foreign Cinema - tickets available through Eventbrite!

March 19: Sila/Ethics talk and Puja, with Mokshasi

March 26: Sila/Ethics with Prasadachitta

April, May: Kshanti Paramita

Healing through forbearance; responding to difficult events with wisdom and care, rather than reacting from habit.  

April 2: The Ethics of Patience, with Padmatara

April 9: Patience in Action - Dr. Ambedkar and Triratna

April 16: Prasadachitta

April 23: Shunyamala

April 30: Vajrapriya, visiting from the UK

May 7: Prasadachitta

May 14: Dhammarati, visiting from the UK (Buddha Day)

May 21:

May 28:


June: Virya Paramita

Healing through Energy, joyful perseverance in pursuit of the good

July/August: Dhyana Paramita

Healing through meditation, compassion and insight

September/October/November: Prajna Paramita

Healing through deep understanding of the nature of reality and emptiness


Last thoughts on Hearts that Heal and the 6 Paramitas


Donations are always welcome.  We suggest $10 to $5.  You can pay at the desk by cash or credit card, or for zoomers you can pay by Paypal or one of these methods


More information about Sangha Nights.  See also January Rainy Season Retreat

Wednesdays, 7pm to 9pm, in person and online
Wed, Dec 18, 2024

Sangha (Community) Nights are open to anyone wishing to practice together and connect around Buddhist practices and Dharma teachings.  Our theme for 2024 is "Waking up to Imagination". (More information about Sangha Nights.)

Drop in to the SFBC or to our zoom room any Wednesday evening - please arrive a little before 7pm.  

Zoom link.   In person safety requirements.  


December: The Heart of Imagination

December 4 - with Viradhamma

Love, Compassion, Joy and Equanimity

December 11 - Meditation and Imagination, with Prasadachitta
December 18 - End of year celebration, with Prasadachitta

Last Sangha Night of 2024

No class Dec 25 or in January.

Regular classes resume in February. Meanwhile join our January Rainy Season Retreat


Sangha Night Wednesday October 30, 7pm to 9pm
Wed, Oct 30, 2024

Each year, on Sangha Night, close to the Day of the Dead (Día de los Muertos), we come together to honor our ancestral kinship.

This year, Mokshasi will share her reflections on the significance of Día de Muertos in her home country of Mexico. She will explore the myths surrounding this celebration and how we can cultivate a relationship with La Dama de la Muerte, Coatlicue, or Lady Death—not as something to fear, but as someone to embrace as an essential part of our Life/Death/Life nature.

The evening will include meditation, group reflection questions, and ritual, featuring the Threefold Puja and the rite of the Ofrenda. Ritual serves as a means for us to gain perspective on our lives, acting as a gateway to transformation. The Ofrendas—altars honoring those who have passed—provide a compassionate reflection on our shared histories.

This year, we will create an ofrenda not only for our ancestors but also for the children we once were. Please bring photographs of your loved ones who have died, and also objects, mementos, or symbols from your childhood that represent your journey.

Join us in celebrating Buddha nature as un baile con La Muerte, a dance with death —a harmonious partnership between death and life.



Cada año, en Sangha Night, cerca del Día de Muertos celebramos parentesco ancestral.


Este año, Mokshasi compartirá el significado del Día de Muertos en México que es su país natal. Además, explorará algunos de los mitos de estas fechas y cómo podemos desarrollar una relación con La Dama de la Muerte o Coatlicue o "Lady Death" no como alguien a quién temer o de quién huir, sino como alguien con quién abrazar nuestra naturaleza de Vida/Muerte/Vida.


Habrá meditación, preguntas de reflexión en grupos pequeños y habrá ritual de Puja de tres Etapas y ritual de Ofrenda.

Ritual es una manera en que los humanos podemos tomar perspectiva de nuestra vida. Los rituales son un portal de transformación. El rito de las Ofrendas, altares para los que han dejado esta vida, pueden darnos perspectiva y una representación compasiva de tiempos pasados.

Este año tendremos una ofrenda, no sólo para nuestros ancestros, sino también para el/la/le niño/a/e que fuimos. Te invitamos a que traigas fotos o algo que represente a tus muertos y también objetos o símbolos de tu infancia.


Ven y celebra con nosotros/as/es y date cuenta que la naturaleza Budíca es un baile con La Muerte. La Muerte, esa bailarina que baila y baila con su pareja, la Vida.


Every Wednesday evening, 7pm to 9pm, in person and online
Wed, Jul 24, 2024

Sangha (Community) Nights are open to anyone wishing to practice together and connect around Buddhist practices and Dharma teachings.  Our theme for 2024 is "Waking up to Imagination". (More information about Sangha Nights.)

Drop in to the SFBC or to our zoom room any Wednesday evening - please arrive a little before 7pm.  Zoom link.   In person safety requirements.  


Full Program for September


September 4: Dharmadhara and Sangha Visioning and Imagining, with Prasadachitta


September 11: Celebrate Padmasambhava Day, with Mokshasi

Celebrate this important Buddhist holiday with meditation, a short introduction, and puja - more information here


September 18: The Dharma of Dreams, with special guest, Arthabandhu

Arthabandhu will help us explore ways to reconnect with the magic of our dream lives and show how dreams can be part of a rich Dharma life. More information on this page.


September 25: Mitra Ceremony

Three members of our community have made a personal commitment to practicing with the SFBC Sangha as Mitras and following the Buddhist precepts of non-harm. This simple and joyful ceremony will mark the occasion.  


Sangha Night Puja, Sep 11, 7pm to 9pm, with Mokshasi
Wed, Sep 11, 2024

Sangha (Community) Nights are open to anyone wishing to practice together and connect around Buddhist practices and Dharma teachings.  Our theme for 2024 is "Waking up to Imagination".

Drop in to the SFBC or to our zoom room any Wednesday evening - please arrive a little before 7pm.  Zoom link.   In person safety requirements.  


Padmasambhava is the 8th century Tibetan teacher who helped to establish Buddhism in Tibet. He became an almost mythical figure, transforming demons and confronting obstacles to awakening.

Within Triratna, Padmasambhava is appreciated particularly for his deep connection to Buddhist Tantra and his teachings on the radical transformation of the human psyche.

On this special Sangha Night we will celebrate Padmasambhava Day by meditating together and then exploring the symbolism of Padmasambhava, mainly through ritual (verses of the 7 fold puja plus invocations, mantras and instruments). There will be a short introduction by Mokshasi.


Padmasambhava es el maestro Tibetano del siglo 8 que ayudó a establecer el budismo en el Tibet. Se convirtió en una figura casi mitológica y legendaria al ayudar a transformar nuestros demonios.

En Triratna, Padmasambhava se ha convertido en una figura muy popular en su conexión con el budismo tántrico y la transformación radical de las profundidades humanas en línea con la naturaleza del Dharma.

En esta Noche de Sangha vamos a celebrar el Día de Padmasambhava meditando juntos/as/es y después exploraremos la figura de Padmasambhava a través de un ritual (versos de la puja de las 7 etapas más mantras e instrumentos musicales). Mokshasi dará una breve introducción a la figura de Padmasambhava para aquellos/as/es que no estén familiarizados con ella.


Full September Sangha Night Program      (More information about Sangha Nights.)

Wednesday Sep 18, with special guest Arthabandhu
Wed, Sep 18, 2024

Explore the magic of the dream world on this special Wednesday Sangha Night, 7pm to 9pm

Arthabandhu has generously offered to lead this evening while visiting from the UK. Drawing from 20 years of exploring the dream world and the benefits it can offer he will guide us in reconnecting with the magic of our dream lives and show how dreams can be part of a rich Dharma life.

He has long had a special interest in dreams and has explored them in relation to Buddhist practice ever since hearing Urgyen Sangharakshita say: “If you want to really know yourself, pay attention to your dreams.”  He lives in the UK, working with adults with learning disabilities and is visiting us after volunteering at a summer camp for people with disabilities in Minnesota.

Here is his website.

Our Sangha nights are open to anyone interested in Buddhist practices and Meditation.  They are hybrid - for in person please check our safety guidelines, for zoom you'll find the link here