Waking up to the Imagination
In April and May we have a stellar lineup of speakers ready to delve into the theme of imagination from a diverse array of perspectives. We hope you can join us!
April 3: A Living Earth, with SFBC Green Sangha
April 10 and 17: "Playing with the Mind", with Pete
"It's just as when a dog is tied by a leash to a post or stake: if it walks, it walks right around that post or stake; if it stands, it stands right next to that post or stake; if it sits, it sits right next to that post or stake; if it lies down, it lies down right next to that post or stake." (Gaddula Sutta)
"Followers of the buddha's way! Why do you so earnestly seek the truth in distant places? Look for delusion and truth in the bottom of your own hearts" (ryokan)
"To seek is to suffer. To seek nothing is bliss" (Bodhidharmma)
April 24: Padmatara - Imagining the way out of suffering through the 6 realms of existence.
May 1: Prasadachitta - tba
May 8: Dhammarati Art and Imagination
May 15: Celebrating Wesak, or Buddha Day, with Mokshasi
A short talk and Puja
May 22: Prasadachitta Reflections on Imagination
May 29: Vimalamoksha - Imagination and the Seven Factors of Awakening
We appreciate any donations and suggest a weekly donation of $10 to $5 for Sangha Nights, or you might consider joining our dana program and donating monthly. You can pay through PayPal (info@sfbuddhistcenter.org), Venmo (@SFBuddhistcenter), Zelle, check, or cash at the door.
For in person attendance please make sure you can agree to our safety requirements listed here.
For online attendance you will find the zoom link here.