Online Retreat for West Coast US and Canada Sanghas (and friends)

I am because we are, with Singhashri, Feb 12 and 13

A two day retreat online, with Singhashri

Feb 12 and 13, 9am - 1pm

Registration and suggested donations below

Retreat Description: I am because we are

"I am because we are" is a traditional saying from the African Ubuntu tradition invoking the truth of interconnectedness and the promise of beloved community.

“We will not end…any form of human evil…by trying to tear it to pieces. Instead, we can offer people better ways to belong and better things to belong to.”

- Resmaa MenakemMy Grandmother's Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Mending of Our Bodies and Hearts

We all yearn to find and engage with others in spaces of deep meaning and heart-felt belonging, where we are each doing our own work in authentic connection with one another.

This is the ideal of Beloved Community.

Our dharma practice provides a crucible where we hold the tension between our ideals and what is happening now, which sometimes feels very far from our ideals.

How do we show up for ourselves and others with an attitude of openness and curiosity, willing to see clearly the parts of us that are both longing for freedom and those still in the shadows, confused, or actively resisting change?

This question is relevant to both how we work internally and also how we engage in beloved community. It is the ground from which true inclusivity can take root, grow and flourish, creating beloved community from the inside out.

Together, we'll explore the following:

  • Our intentions for practicing and our vision for liberation for ourselves and others

  • How our unique conditioning shows up in the space of meditation and how we relate to what’s happening now

  • Embodiment as a radical act

  • The role of joy and pleasure in opening to ourselves, one another and the world

  • How a creative response to fear, grief and anger can support our efforts towards collective liberation

  • The co-created and interconnected nature of experience and reality

For those with at least six months meditation experience interested in deepening their personal and collective practice in the context of social and environmental justice activism.


Please register below by noon February 11 if you would like to attend this online retreat and we will send you the link to join.

To register - enter the US $ amount you wish to donate* in the Event Donation box,

click add to cart, 

when you get to the "review your booking" page, in the payment section you'll have the option to pay through paypal or pay later by check. 

Suggested Donations*:

These are just some helpful guidelines.  Please join us regardless of your ability to make a donation!

Times are extremely hard - $5

I'm concerned about money - $25

I still have a job $50

The full price I am doing ok  $100

I'm doing well and I want to support this retreat $150

I don't have to worry about money I can make a generous donation ( )

All donations are greatly appreciated and will be shared to support the work of Singhashri and the four West Coast Buddhist Centers

Booking Deadline Date: 
Friday, February 11, 2022
Event Type: 

This event is no longer open for bookings