The Dharma of Dreams

Wednesday Sep 18, with special guest Arthabandhu

Explore the magic of the dream world on this special Wednesday Sangha Night, 7pm to 9pm

Arthabandhu has generously offered to lead this evening while visiting from the UK. Drawing from 20 years of exploring the dream world and the benefits it can offer he will guide us in reconnecting with the magic of our dream lives and show how dreams can be part of a rich Dharma life.

He has long had a special interest in dreams and has explored them in relation to Buddhist practice ever since hearing Urgyen Sangharakshita say: “If you want to really know yourself, pay attention to your dreams.”  He lives in the UK, working with adults with learning disabilities and is visiting us after volunteering at a summer camp for people with disabilities in Minnesota.

Here is his website.

Our Sangha nights are open to anyone interested in Buddhist practices and Meditation.  They are hybrid - for in person please check our safety guidelines, for zoom you'll find the link here

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