Mindfulness as Insight Practice

Special Series with Paramabodhi in July 24 to August 7

Wednesday Sangha Nights, 7pm to 9pm

July 24, 31 and August 7

In person and on zoom.   Zoom link.   In person safety requirements.

Plus a Day Retreat Saturday August 10, 10am to 4pm: Mindfulness of the Buddha

This series will be led by special guest Paramabodhi, visiting from the UK.  

Inspired by the Satipatthana Sutta and the direct teachings of the Buddha, Paramabodhi will emphasize the use of our imagination to engage fully with this beautiful sutta and deepen our mindfulness practice. 

The Satipatthana is one of the most influential meditation texts in Buddhism, and can support us to live with more embodied awareness, contentment and insight.

Sangha (Community) Nights are open to anyone wishing to connect around Buddhist practices and Dharma teachings.  

Please pre-register for the Day Retreat here

Satipatthana Books and Resources

Life of The Buddha, translated from Pali by Nanamoli, p240ff

Living with Awareness, A Guide to the Satipatthana Sutta, by Sangharakshita

Satipatthana, the Direct Path to Realization, by Analayo

Satipatthana Meditations led by Analayo, Windhorse Publications

The Way of Mindfulness, Dharma Training Course for Mitras, compiled by Vidyamala