Healing Meditation with Bodhilila

Saturday May 22, 10am to 12 PDT



Our Breathing Body; a meditation workshop led by Bodhilila 

‘This very body that we have,

That's sitting here right now...

With it's aches and pleasures

Is exactly what we need to be fully human, fully awake, fully alive.’

Pema Chodron

During this 2 hour workshop we will explore how a body based, intuitive approach to meditation can help us to develop calm, integration and awareness. 

We will experience how being grounded in the body can open our hearts and minds and help us to cultivate both compassion and insight.

We're very happy and fortunate that Bodhilila is able to join us on zoom from the UK.

Bodhilila is chair of the West London Buddhist Center, and has many years of experience of teaching and leading retreats. She is also a member of the BIPOC/BAME teaching kula with Viveka, Singhashri, Danadasa and others hosting the monthly Welcoming Liberation classes on the last Saturday of the month. She has co-led many retreats for women and the LGBTQ community with Singhashri and is currently co-leading a series of online meditation retreats with Paramananda.

Please register below by noon May 20 if you would like to attend this online class and we will send you the link by 2pm that day.

If you miss the registration deadline or have questions please email us and we'll respond if we're able. 

To register: enter the amount you wish to donate in the Event Donation box and click add to cart. Thank you!

Suggested donation $50 to $20 or whatever you an afford. All donations are greatly appreciated but if you are facing financial difficulties please feel free to enter 0, and make sure to click 'pay later' on the payment page (to make sure your registration goes through).

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