Green Sangha

The Green Sangha is a group of Core Sangha members who meet monthly to discuss climate action and Buddhism. We host occasional events that are open to the public. Our Mission, Vision, and Values are a work in progress.


  • Within the context of Buddhist values and teachings, we aim to create a space for the San Francisco Buddhist Center sangha to creatively engage with others around climate change and environmental justice.


  • The contribution of Dharmic perspectives and ethical action to the collective response to climate change
  • The cultivation of awareness of the interplay between institutionalized social injustice and climate change
  • The flowering of wisdom and compassion to help create and maintain a healthy, diverse, clean and cool planet.
  • As appropriate, create support for the San Francisco Buddhist Center sangha's move toward maintaining sustainable facilities, and sustainable practices at home and on retreat


Please visit our fund raising page for the Rainforest Foundation to learn about their incredible work and how you can contribute! Rainforests are critical to help stabilize the world’s climate. They provide a home to many plants and animals, maintain the water cycle, protect against flood, drought, and erosion and are a source for medicines and foods.

Climate Week Meditation

This year we continue working against the backdrop of ongoing wars and a warming planet, with a new administration that is actively hostile toward efforts to address the climate crisis. What do you do when you feel your heart will break against the willful ignorance manifest in global and national politics, and the suffering brought about by the climate crisis and other overwhelming challenges? Does our effort even matter? Can we effectively combat paralysis in ourselves and those around us?

Green Tara Puja

Members of the San Francisco Buddhist Center Green Sangha will hold a puja in our shrine room 7:00 pm Friday January 17, 2025. Doors open 6:45 - 7:00, and the puja starts promptly at 7:00.

We will invoke fearlessness and compassion with a Green Tara puja followed by time for silent meditation and contemplation. All are warmly invited. 

With thanks for your consideration and support, and in abiding solidarity as we move into a new moment in history.

(Please note that this puja is a special event, and not part of SFBC's rainy season retreat.)

The Climate Crisis and the Six Paramitas

Triratna Earth Sangha: Responding to the cries of a burning world

How do we move beyond hope and fear with the Six Paramitas as a guide? A weekend of talks, workshops and practice exploring how we as Buddhists can respond to the climate and ecological emergencies.

The conference will include papers, workshops, guided meditations, puja, poetry and the visual arts. We will present perspectives of particularly affected communities and show what Buddhists can do in this current time of multiple crises.

Confirmed speakers

Election Anxiety? Meditate with the Green Sangha

An opportunity to check in and meditate together. The acute uncertainty that comes with electoral politics can reveal what the Dharma has to offer. Meditation and sangha can help ground us so we can see more clearly and have a better foundation for action. No matter what happens in the election, groundedness and clarity will help us on our path.

This will be a non-partisan space and not related to endorsing or advocating for any party or candidate.

Online International Urban Retreat June 1 to 5

Using the medicine of the Four Reminders, we open to a new Reality

1-5 June 2023

Led by members of the Triratna Earth Sangha, including Shantigarbha, Amaragita, Sarvajit, and Buddhasevaka.

Join the Urban Retreat—online or in-person!

We’re really looking forward to this retreat and exploring how the Dharma can support us in relation to the Climate and Ecological Crises. As Buddhists we have something unique to offer the world in this area.