Sangha Nights Online - June 3 to 24

Wednesdays, 7pm to 9pm

Our theme this year is Simply Practice - connecting with the heart of our practice, in meditation and in action, so that we might sustain ourselves and others and respond with kindness to whatever arises in the days and months ahead.

To mark Buddhist Action Month we are donating all June Sangha Night contributions beyond our regular budget of $200​ to two organizations working with people impacted by COVID-19:

Undocufund San Francisco, a local organization founded in March to provide direct assistance to undocumented workers and families; 

and Nagaloka, a Buddhist organization in Nagpur, India associated with Triratna, who provide support and basic necessities to some of the most vulnerable communities in India. 

Register below for any or all Sangha Nights in June. We will send you the link to join Zoom online by 2pm on the day of each class.  (There is a different link for each class.)

Sangha (community) nights are open to anyone interested in connecting through an interest in meditation and buddhist practices. Usually there's a meditation followed by a talk and optional discussion groups.  

June 24: Living the Questions: how can we support anti-racism in our world, our sangha and our hearts and minds?​

Buddhist teachings can shed light on our conditioning and help us to question previously unconscious or ignored biases and delusions that cause suffering. This Sangha Night is an opportunity to consider what questions we can ask to help us stay conscious generally and support anti-racism specifically. How aware am I of my own conditions and reactions when the issue of race comes up? Is my response helpful? What is the impact? Do I have to choose between working with my mind and heart and supporting action for external change? How can buddhist teachings help me stay engaged and not turn away? 

Padmatara will introduce the evening but the intention is for an interactive conversation, with a chance for each of us to share our experience, our intentions, ways we might support each other, and resources and teachings that have helped.

Previous Sangha Nights in June 

June 3: Responsibility and Receptivity in the Age of Covid, with Karunadevi

June 10: Sangha in India today, with Viradhamma

June 17: Grieving, with Mokshasi

To register: enter the amount you wish to donate in the Event Donation box and click add to cart. Suggested donation is based on $5 - $10 per evening.  Donations are very much appreciated but always optional - if you are experiencing financial difficulties please feel free to enter 0 in the box, and click 'pay later' on the payment page. 

Thank you!  

This event is no longer open for bookings