Wednesdays 7pm to 9pm
Caminante, no hay camino, se hace camino al andar. Pathmaker, there is no path, the path is made by walking. (Antonio Machado)
Continuing our 2023 theme: Pathways to Awakening, this month various Sangha Members will share what they have learned on the paths they have created by "walking" (poetically speaking). Prasadachitta will hold the space and contribute his own reflections.
Aug 2: Abhayamoksha has just returned from a three-month ordination retreat in Spain. Let's welcome him back and hear about his journey.
Aug 9: Vimalamoksha, joining us on a break from Lake County, will share some of his reflections on the progressive yet non-linear nature of the spiral path.
Aug 16: Danadasa
Aug 23: Chiara: accepting the invitation to practice. With Prasadachitta.
Aug 30: Prasadachitta
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We suggest donations of $10 to $5 for Sangha Nights, but they are always optional and any amount is welcome and helps cover our costs. Enter the amount you wish to donate in the box below, and if you don't wish to donate or prefer to pay another way, you can enter 0, but if you do this please make sure to click 'pay later' on the payment page, otherwise the registration won't work. Drop us an email if you have any difficulty.
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