Winter 2024 Edition
- EDJI Welcome - helen
- Native American Heritage Month - helen
- Dharmadhara Is Honored to Invite Pomo Acorn Gathering Tradition - Prasadachitta
- Self Care is Radical Work - Viveka
- Good Fences Make Good Neighbors...or do they? - rodashruti
- Sharing my experience of the white Awareness is Revolutionary (wAIR) year long course with Sarashri, Larry, Chiara, Ben & helen
Spring 2024 Edition
- EDJI Welcome - Danadasa
- Water is Life - Amy Rathbone
- Caring for the Earth is Caring for Ourselves - Claudia Ponath
- News from the Green Sangha - rodashruti
- Advocating for Peace in Gaza - Jon Ramirez- Monaco
- Off the Cushion - rodashruti
- Celebrating Dr. Ambedkar's Birthday - Dayamudra
- Bringing Anger onto the Path of Transformation - Danadasa
Fall 2023 Edition
- EDJI Welcome- Dayamudra
- Social Endosmosis - Dayamudra
- Teaching Dharma: Arabs & Islam - rodashruti
- An Archaeology of Silence: An East Asian Perspective - Danadasa
- Indigenous People's Day - helen
- SFBC Land Acknowledgment - Prasadachitta
- Honoring Day of the Dead - helen
- (w) AIR Course starting in January 2024
- Karuna USA Green Film Festival News
This blog is a gesture. It documents our evolving commitment, individually and collectively as a San Francisco Buddhist Center sangha, to Equity, Diversity, Justice, and Inclusivity. EDJI.
As Buddhists in the Triratna tradition, we practice mindfulness and compassion. We learn that all things are interconnected, that we are interconnected. How can we draw on our Buddhist practice to be a kind presence in the world? How can we become more curious and responsive? How can we meet hatred with love?
In Buddhist iconography, the Buddha Green Tara sits with one leg folded in meditation, while the other leg steps out into the world, one hand at her heart, the other hand reaching out. How could this form, these gestures, this mudra, inform our Buddhist practice? How can we embody both stillness and movement, responding to the cries of the world with Right Action? How can we inspire this in one another?
Here we are documenting efforts by members of our SFBC community to embrace liberation for all beings: how we are collaborating, what we are studying, what we are learning. We are opening up the EDJI circle and invite you to step in. What are you interested in? What are you learning? What would you like to know more about? Let's gather with EDJI in the forefront of our minds.
(from the introduction to the first blog edition in the Summer of 2022)
Fall 2022 edition
Summer 2022 edition