Ordinations at Dharmadhara

Watch the video showing the offerings and explanations of the names. Thanks to Prasadachitta. 

I’m delighted to announce that two Public Ordinations took place at Dharmadhara Retreat Center in California on May 15, 2021. The ceremony was conducted outside with some sangha and family members attending.

These two new Dharmacharinis were privately ordained on a small eight day retreat with their preceptors.

Public Preceptor Karunadevi:

Robin Smith from New Orleans, Louisianna becomes Sīlasirī. One whose beauty is ethical conduct.
(The first and last i is long, second i short, short a.)
Private Preceptor Padmatara

Myra Bicknell from Seattle, Washington becomes Sārashri. One who is radiant to the core.
(first a is as in “father”, second a is short, s is “sh” sound, i is long.)
Private Preceptor Taraprabha


Three other women were due to be ordained in 2020, but the Covid crisis has meant that several plans for their ordination retreat had to be cancelled. Finally, it was possible for these two to arrive here from various places in the US, along with their preceptors.

Plans are for the other three to be ordained later, possibly in October at Aryaloka Retreat Center in New Hampshire. Stay tuned.

With Metta,
