The Burning House: a Buddhist response to the climate and ecological emergency

Online course beginning September 1st

What does Buddhism have to say about the climate and ecological emergency?

Shantigarba will be teaching an online course based on his book beginning September 1.  The course explores how we can wake up and respond to the climate emergency.  You can find more information and register for the course here:

Here's a review of the book by Rodashruti and Claudia, (SFBC Green Sangha Members, among other things).

This book is a Dharma-based guide for engaging with the climate emergency.  It addresses issues such as ecological grief, transforming anger, and environmental ethics, and includes many personal stories and examples. The title references the parable of the burning house from the White Lotus Sutra. Although the metaphor of children so distracted by toys that they can’t attend to the fact that their house is on fire has its limits as a metaphor here, there are many ways “in” to the book's offerings. It is best engaged with rather than simply read, either through group study or by creating time and space for personal reflection. Each chapter includes prompts for reflection, and led meditations are available online. A wonderful framework for bringing a Buddhist lens to a set of complicated and stressful problems and questions.

Buy the book from your local Bookseller, or here.  We also have a couple of copies at the SFBC - email us if you'd like us to put one aside for you. 

This is an international event offered by the Triratna European Chairs Association.