Thanks to everyone who contributed, and to the Green Sangha for organizing. We raised $1694 and were able to send $847 each to the two amazing organizations below. Although our fundraiser is now over I'm sure they will still welcome your donations if you didn't get the chance yet.
Sangha Night Benefit, April 13, 7pm to 8:30pm, on zoom and in person.
The San Francisco Buddhist Center along with the SFBC Green Sangha is devoting the evening of April 13th to sending out healing energy to Ukraine and all other parts of the world that are suffering from war. This humanitarian crisis calls upon all of us to remember our aspiration to follow the path of the bodhisattva and help in whatever way we can.
We will gather both in person and online to do a special meditation and puja to send out a wish for peace and healing.
This event is also a benefit for two organizations who are helping with the crisis. At the end of April donations will be divided evenly between these two organizations:
Doctors without Borders is helping with the overwhelming need for medical help on the ground in Ukraine. They are currently directing all emergency funds to Ukraine.
OutRight Action International is helping LGBTIQ Ukrainian refugees who cannot count on mainstream systems for help. They have set up a special fund for LGBTIQ Ukrainian refugees.
We have seen in the last two years how interconnected we are as a global community and how what happens in one part of the world affects us all. Let’s keep our hearts radiating with compassion for all parts of the world that are suffering “so long as all have not attained to peace”.
This fundraiser is now over, but you can of course still donate directly to these life-saving organizations.
[the beautiful bodhisattva photo on our home page is by Jon Ramirez]