The Drama of Cosmic Enlightenment: The White Lotus Sutra (Year 3, Module 6 of the Mitra Training Course), with Danadasa
8 Monday evenings, Nov 1 to Dec 20, 6:30pm to 8:00pm
This Course is open to all Mitras who have already taken the Foundation Course/Year 1, or have similar experience.
See this page for the Foundation/Year 1 course beginning at the same time.
Here are the materials for the course.
Message from Danadasa:
Before our first gathering on November 1, please read chapter 1 entitled The Universal Perspective of Mahayana Buddhism.
ebook: https://www.
original lecture by Sangharakshita:https://www.freebuddhistaudio.
Here's the main menu where you can see the whole program and other information, such as the audio version of the course. You can also order a book containing the whole of year 3 here.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to email us.
To register: enter the amount you wish to donate in the Event Donation box and click add to cart. Suggested donation is based on $5 - $10 per evening, so $30 to $60 for the whole course. Donations are very much appreciated but always optional - if you are experiencing financial difficulties please feel free to enter 0 in the box, and click 'pay later' on the payment page. We'll send you the zoom link nearer the time.
Thank you!