Faith, Symbols and the Imagination (Year 3, module 7)
Monday February 7 to March 28 (8 weeks), 6:30pm to 8pm online. Please register below and we'll send you the zoom link.
With Danadasa and Prasadachitta
This Course is open to all Mitras.
Here are the materials for the course.
From the introduction:
In this module of the Dharma Training Course we will be entering a very different world from the everyday realm of our commonsense ideas and our surface sensory experience of the world. We will be exploring the world of śraddhā, imagination, archetypal symbols, and myth – related topics that open up a deeper vision of reality, and a different approach to our search for truth and meaning. In the words of Sangharakshita:
We may say that there are two kinds of truth. There's first of all what we call scientific truth – the truth of concepts, the truth of reasoning - but in addition to this, and some would say even above this, there is what we may call poetic truth, or truth of the imagination, and this is the truth of images, truth of the intuition. And both are at least equally important. And the second, the latter kind of truth, the truth of the image, the truth of poetry, truth of the imagination, the intuition, this is manifested or revealed in what we call myths and legends, as well as in works of art, in symbolic ritual, and also quite importantly, in dreams. - A Guide to the Buddhist Path
Here's the main menu where you can access the whole Mitra study program and other information. You can also order a book containing the whole of year 3 here.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to email us.
To register: enter the amount you wish to donate in the Event Donation box and click add to cart. Suggested donation is based on $5 - $10 per evening, so $40 to $80 for the whole course. Donations are very much appreciated but always optional - if you are experiencing financial difficulties please feel free to enter 0 in the box, and click 'pay later' on the payment page. We'll send you the zoom link nearer the time.
Thank you!