Mindfulness, Community, and the COVID 19 virus

We are constantly looking for ways to make our space welcoming and inclusive, and we would like to remind everyone to follow some basic mindfulness practices to keep our sangha safe. 

  • There are many sources of information online where you can keep yourself informed - here is one: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html
  • If you are experiencing symptoms please take care of yourself and others and stay home. 
  • Washing your hands - this seems to be the main advice from all quarters - wash your hands regularly for 20 seconds. We have plenty of soap and paper towels at the SFBC, and we can practice our patience.  Here's an idea that came from Anushka Fernandopulle, via Mary S: 20 seconds is the amount of time it takes to chant the refuges 3 times, or to do 2 rounds of metta:

May I be peaceful and happy
May I be strong and healthy
May I be safe from inner and outer harm
May I care for myself joyfully

May all beings be peaceful and happy
May all beings be strong and healthy
May all beings be safe from inner and outer harm
May all beings care for themselves joyfully

Perhaps you have your own ideas!

  • If you need to cough, use a tissue and discard, rather than your elbow

  • Greet people with fist bumps rather than handshakes or hugs

  • Practice not touching our faces

  • Use the dishwasher to wash and dry cups etc.
  • Hosts - please clean surfaces and door-handles etc using the wipes provided before your event begins.

Be well!