The San Francisco Buddhist Center's Green Sangha and friends joined with hundreds of actions across the world to demonstrate that people of faith want bold solutions on climate change. The attendees called for climate justice, an end to fossil fuels and deforestation, and a renewable future for all. The peaceful event took place outside of a Chase Bank branch in San Francisco's Mission District, and called for JP Morgan Chase to defund the Line 3 tar sands pipeline and to stop financing fossil fuel projects.
The event began with a land acknowledgement, offered by a member of the group 1,000 Grandmothers, and then Green Sangha member Ethan Davidson read a Declaration of Intent. Participants stayed six feet apart, wore masks, and engaged in sitting and walking meditation. The event closed with a call-and-response reading of the Ecosattva Dedication of Merit. Reporter Leon Kunstenaar covered the event for Indybay. His photos and coverage provide additional details.
* Photo Credit: Leon Kunstanaar,