Fall Vajra Bell Magazine online: Climate Change: It's really happening

The pandemic and its impact on our lives and well-being and, most recently, racial justice have dominated our headlines and seized our attention. In the midst of these challenges, an issue that remains as critical, and increasingly so, is climate change. As Bikkhu Anālayo said, “It’s really happening.” Before the pandemic struck, we had planned to focus on the climate crisis and what our responsibilities as Buddhists are. We offer reflections in this issue on this question from Anālayo, Vessantara, Gunopeta and Aryadrishti. No doubt, the lessons offered apply to all the difficulties we face in these trying times.

— Editor, Vajra Bell


The Vajra Bell is an online and print publication featuring articles on the dharma teachings and practices of the Triratna Buddhist Order and Community in the U.S. and Canada. It is published by the Aryaloka Buddhist Center in New Market, NH, USA, once or twice a year.

In each issue, you will find insightful articles on dharma topics, reflections and practices from our Triratna Buddhist Centers inNorth America, reviews of Buddhist books along with poetry and artwork created by sangha members.

Each issue is available for download in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format or can be viewed online on the Aryaloka website or The Buddhist Centre online.