Sangha Nights in October

A Lineage of Spiritual Friendship

Wednesdays 7pm to 9pm in person and on zoom

During the month of October, we will explore the meaning of lineage within the context of spiritual friendship. The Buddha said "spiritual friendship is the whole of the spiritual life". The Buddha also said "be an island unto yourself, be your own refuge, having no other". How do we make sense of these seemingly contradictory teachings? Please join us to find out more. 

To mark Indigenous Peoples Day Oct 9, all donations from Sangha Nights this month, and from our Movie Night Oct 8, will go to Friendship House, an Indigenous led Organization in the Mission (15th & Julian off of Mission St), that has been providing services to Native Americans for almost 60 years.

Oct 4 - Join us to celebrate MJ's path to ordination, as she prepares to leave for her ordination ceremony in Mexico, at Chintamani Retreat Center

Oct 11 - Danadasa will explore the meaning of lineage and spiritual friendship

Oct 18 - Viradhamma will share the story of Dr. Ambedkar the the mass Buddhist conversions in India

Oct 25 - Danadasa will speak about some of the teachers who have shaped his journey

For in person attendance please make sure you can agree to our safety requirements listed here

For online attendance please register to receive zoom link (you only need to do this once as the link stays the same, but if it ever changes we will send you the new one).

We ask for a donation of $10 to $5 for Sangha Nights, or consider joining our dana program and donating monthly.

To register for zoom, enter the amount you wish to pay in the box below, or if you prefer to pay another way, you can enter 0, but if you do this please make sure to click 'pay later' on the payment page, otherwise the registration won't work. Drop us an email if you have any difficulty.

It may take up to a day or two to receive the zoom link - thank you for your patience.

Please add to your address book so we can keep you up-to-date with any changes.*  

This event is no longer open for bookings