
Day Retreat: Words on the Page

Our theme for October is Creative practice.  During this daylong workshop Acarasiddhi will share ways to connect with our natural creativity through writing.  

The workshop will be positive, friendly, encouraging and productive, with helpful and inspiring writing exercises to get us started, and reflections on the link between words and practice. 

No writing or any other experience required. Bring your curiosity and your favorite writing tools (although pens and paper will also be available if you need them).


Day Retreat: I'll Meet You There - Mindfulness and Non-Violent Communication

I'll Meet You There

"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I'll meet you there." Rumi.

Based on his new book and drawing on many years of training in meditation, buddhism, non-violent communication (NVC)and mediation, Shantigarbha will lead through meditations, guided reflections, stories from the life of the Buddha, and practical exercises to help us develop our empathic listening skills. 


Day Retreat: Body - Dharma

Developed by Advayamati ‘body dharma’ workshops are based on shiatsu, loving- kindness and mindfulness. They support the integration of body, mind and spirit, leading us to a deeper experience of inter-connectedness. 

Advayamati has taught buddhism and meditation at the Ipswich Buddhist Centre (UK) for 14 years and been practicing shiatsu for 30. 
