
The Heart's Depths, with Tejananda

Saturday February 5, 10am to 12 noon

Tejananda invites us to explore the qualities of love and compassion in their depths through meditation, discovering what is readily available to us when we are grounded in our senses and able to "look" at our experience in particular ways. 

The morning will include Tonglen compassion meditation.

Rewatch the Buddha Day Celebrations

Remembering a beautifully long day involving Triratna communities from New Zealand to the West Coast of the USA. You can relive the story of the day on this page.

The day was offered on a dana (donation) basis with all funds offered to our sangha members in India, who face great hardship as the coronavirus crisis disproportionately impacts their lives. The goal is to raise £150,000 – and at time of writing we have nearly £45,000 donated – many thanks!

Meditation Morning

A spacious, mostly silent morning of meditation – walking, sitting, and lying down. Open to anyone with some meditation experience. 

We’ll also have an opportunity at the end for those who wish to share what we’ve learned and ask questions.

Meditation Morning

Join us for a simple morning of meditation - sit, walk, sit.

No instruction - just perhaps a couple of poems or relevant teachings - but there will be an opportunity for anyone interested to hang out and talk about meditation afterwards.

Open to anyone with a meditation practice. 
