
Beginner's Mind Weekend Meditation Retreat - open to all

This annual retreat aims to provide a space to reconnect with beginner's mind - our natural capacity to see through expectations and prejudice and respond to our inner and outer worlds with gentle curiosity and wisdom. People with many years of experience as well as actual beginners are invited to give your practice a refreshing boost, surrounded by the quiet, natural beauty of the Santa Cruz mountains. Meditating together and supporting each other, away from our usual schedule, gives us the chance to go deeper and refresh our perspective on life.


Summer Meditation Retreat

This retreat is now full - but please contact us if you would like to be on the waiting list.

The Kariniya Metta Sutta is a key teaching in the Pali canon. It describes the unfolding process of a 'deep and mature emotional awareness', that begins with simple kindness towards ourselves and others, and points the way towards freedom.

On this retreat, through study and practice of the Kariniya Metta Sutta, and the Anapanasati practice, we'll be looking at how we integrate our growing understanding into 'a deep and mature emotional awareness'?


Winter Meditation Retreat

Register by Dec 10 - see below.

Our annual winter meditation retreat is a priceless opportunity to spend a week away from our normal conditions, in silence, supporting each other to go deeper with meditation, and being supported by the natural beauty of Nature.

Silence: the retreat will be mostly silent except for teachings, meditation reviews and some mindful communication. It's a rare chance to take a break from making conversation and to see what happens when we let ourselves be.
