
Beginner's Mind Retreat - postponed till further notice

We're very sorry to announce that this retreat has been postponed, as Jikoji Retreat Center has made the difficult but thoughtful decision to close for the next few weeks to help delay the spread of COVID-19 virus.

We will update this site when we have more information about a future date. Meanwhile we will refund all those who have registered.  Feel free to email with any questions.

Be well, and please take care of yourselves. 

Retreat for Preceptors of all genders

This retreat is for all preceptors in the Triratna Buddhist Order.

Cost: $45/night sliding scale for whole retreat: $135 - $200. If you pay more than the lowest fee, you are providing dana for those who need it. If you need to request please indicate this on your registration - we hope to collect enough dana to cover this.

Accommodations: We encourage you to camp if you are able.  We have some tents and camping gear you may borrow.  Indoor sleeping is limited and there are no private rooms. 


Women's Ordination Training Retreat

This retreat is for women in ordination training with the Triratna Buddhist Community. 

Dates: April 13 - 23.  Register as soon as you can to assure a place on the retreat, and to help with organization. Registration will close March 28 or earlier if the retreat fills up.

Theme:   The Bodhisattva Path.  We will be exploring the meaning of Bodhicitta and the Altruistic Dimension of going for refuge  through study, talks, meditation, and devotional practices.


Summer Meditation Immersion Retreat with Tejananda

Register by Wednesday May 15 with a $200 deposit. Register early to be sure of a place. Open to anyone with a meditation practice.

Our annual summer meditation retreat is a wonderful opportunity to see what happens when we take a break from our normal conditions and stories and let ourselves be open to fresh possibilities. This year will be the first Summer Retreat in our beautiful new shrine room at Dharmadhara in Lake County.

Our meditation retreats are mostly silent except for teachings, meditation reviews and some mindful communication.


Beginner's Mind Weekend Meditation Retreat - open to all

This annual retreat aims to provide a space to reconnect with beginner's mind - our natural capacity to see through expectations and prejudice and respond to our inner and outer worlds with gentle curiosity and wisdom. People with many years of experience as well as actual beginners are invited to give your practice a refreshing boost, surrounded by the quiet, natural beauty of the Santa Cruz mountains. Meditating together and supporting each other, away from our usual schedule, gives us the chance to go deeper and refresh our perspective on life.
