
Buddhism Introductory Course - In Person

Next Course begins in Fall 2024

Buddhism is a vision of human existence. It is also a practical guide that we can apply to every aspect of our lives.  Meditation and buddhist principles, practiced together, bring us closer to our direct experience, dissolving our misperceptions to reveal the boundless potential and precious opportunity of life. 

Central to Buddhist practice is a deep desire to understand suffering and the means to end suffering; to discover the "magic of the ordinary";  and to live in harmony with ourselves and those around us.

Satipatthana: Four Approaches To Mindfulness

4 Tuesday evenings, July 25 to August 15, 7pm to 9pm in person

This meditation course is guided by the Satipatthana Sutta - a teaching that describes a simple and direct way to lessen and end suffering through attending to our direct sensory connection to the world. The four approaches are: mindfulness of the body and changing sensations; mindfulness of feelings as an emotional experience of the present moment; mindfulness of thoughts as our mind imagines; and finally mindfulness of the very nature of experiencing.

Morning Meditations in person

Through Dec 20 2024, except:

June 10 through June 17, July 4, Sep 2, Oct 14, Nov 11, Nov 28 and 29.

Start your day with a peaceful 45 minutes of meditation in the lovely SFBC shrine room. No instruction, just bells at the beginning and end, and the priceless support of other people meditating.

Silent Meditation Day - in person


With Mokshasi

You are invited once again to join us at the SFBC for a very simple, silent day of meditation practice.  You can join for the whole day or any portion of it - just please be sure to arrive during a break, as we will be unable to let you in otherwise. Please pre-register so we have an idea of numbers. 

Meditations will be unguided, just bells, and the opportunity to sit together in our lovely shrine room. 

Meditation Class in Person

Meditation Practice Session

Sunday afternoon, December 12, 1pm to 3pm

This class is for anyone who has taken one of our introductory meditation classes - especially those of you who have taken our classes on zoom, as we'd like you to experience the benefits of meditating together in our lovely shrine room.  Zoom has been great, but this is different.

There will be two or more led meditations and time to check in about your practice.