
Mindfulness in Everyday Life - in person course

Mindfulness is the ability to give our undivided attention to the present moment and to wholeheartedly engage with and respond to what is happening. It enhances all experience. In this course we will learn how to apply mindfulness to our day-to-day activities and bring greater joy, depth, and spaciousness into our lives. No experience necessary.

Open to complete beginners and anyone wishing to refresh, support and deepen their practice. 

Introduction to Buddhism - in person course

Buddhism is a vision of human existence. It is also a practical guide that we can apply to every aspect of our lives.  Meditation and buddhist principles, practiced together, bring us closer to our direct experience, dissolving our misperceptions to reveal the boundless potential and precious opportunity of life. 

Central to Buddhist practice is a deep desire to understand suffering and the means to end suffering; to discover the "magic of the ordinary";  and to live in harmony with ourselves and those around us.

Meditating with Kindness - in person course

Even as a mother at the risk of her life, watches over and protects her only child, so with a boundless heart let one cherish all living beings. (From the Metta Sutta)

The metta bhavana, or cultivation of loving kindness, is a powerful meditation practice that teaches us how to bring a friendly, kind, curious attention to ourselves and to other people, and to whatever arises in our experience, softening harsh self-criticism and judgment and bringing a sense of ease and openness to our participation in the world. 

Mindfulness of Breathing Meditation - in person course

Would you like to live more creatively, with more freedom, kindness and wisdom, and less fear, irritation and confusion?  The Buddha practiced and then taught meditation for this very purpose, and the practices are readily available to everyone.  

Mindfulness of the Breathing Body, (or just Mindfulness of Breathing), is a beautifully simple and deeply transformative practice, where we use the sensations of breathing to ground our awareness in the body, so that we can open to the events of everyday life with more spaciousness, clarity and sensitivity. 

Drop in Introduction to Meditation Class - in person

Almost every Thursday, skipping holidays (no class July 4)

Each Thursday evening at 6pm we offer a guided meditation - either mindfulness of breathing or loving kindness - along with practical tips on posture and other aspects of meditation.  No experience is needed - the class is open to complete beginners and to anyone wanting to refresh their practice or find out what the SFBC has to offer. 

Our two main introductory practices: