Sangha News

Rainy Season Schedule

During the month of January, the San Francisco Buddhist Center turns its focus inward for our Annual Rainy Season Retreat, an opportunity for Mitras and Order Members Members at the SFBC to spend time practicing together. The Center is still open to the public for 7:30 AM morning meditation, but is otherwise closed to the public during this time. Groups that rent the Center usually continue during January, but contact organizers if you are not sure of their schedules.

A Year Of Silence - new book, by Kiranada Sterling Benjamin

Ever wondered what it might be like to spend a year in silence on a solitary retreat?  Now's your chance to find out.  Kiranada did just that, and wrote a book about it so we can share the ups and downs and the sheer wonder of spending a year on retreat on the edge of the New Zealand wilderness. 

Available now at the SFBC Bookstore. 

Thank you!

Our 2018 Fundraiser was a very enjoyable success!

Thanks to all those who contributed and/or participated we have already received over $4,000 this year, with payments still coming in.  It was a fantastic evening and lovely to see so many of our community sharing their skills and talents, and most of all - enjoying themselves!  

Together with all the generous donations we've received throughout 2018 we will be able to continue to share meditation, dharma, and mindfulness in this beautiful space throughout 2019. 

The Funeral and Burial of Urgyen Sangharakshita

Urgyen Sangharakshita 1925-2018

On Saturday 10th November the funeral ceremony and burial of Urgyen Sangharakshita took place in Adhisthana with an estimated 1,200 to 1,400 people attending the ceremony and burial and many tens of thousands watching in online.

This special edition of the Triratna Highlights Newsletter gathers together some highlights from that very significant day in the life of our community.

The Death of Urgyen Sangharakshita

With great sadness, we announce the death of Sangharakshita, the founder of the Triratna Buddhist Order and the Triratna Buddhist Community. 

Buddhist Centers around the world will be celebrating his life and chanting the mantras he requested: Shakyamuni, Green Tara, Manjushri, Amitabha and Padmasambhava. Please join us in San Francisco as we remember and honor him at Sangha Night Wed Oct 31, 2018. 

62nd Anniversary of Dr. Ambedkar's Mass Conversion to Buddhism

On the 18th to the 20th October the Nagarjuna Institute in Nagaloka, India, organised a celebration of Dhammachakra Pravartana day or the 62nd Anniversary of Dr. Ambedkar’s Mass Conversion to Buddhism.  This event included an international conference on the theme of ”The Revival of Buddhism in India and its impact on Buddhist Dynamics in South Asia.”

I'll Meet You There - new book available in the SFBC Bookstore

I’ll Meet You There: A Practical Guide to Empathy, Mindfulness and Communication (Paperback)

This new book by Shantigarbha, NVC trainer, Dharma and Meditation teacher, and Mediator, is available now in our bookstore. 

More information and a "look inside" here.

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing
and rightdoing there is a field.
I'll meet you there.


Lit Crawl at the SFBC

Mary Salome will once again be hosting the SFBC's participation in Lit Crawl, Saturday Oct 20, 8pm to 9pm. 

She will also be one of the readers, along with Acarasiddhi and 4 other amazing local writers: Alex Gurevich, Sarah Paris, Lisa Rosenburg and Nabil Arnaoot (updated 10/11). 

Buddhafield Festival 2019: Meditation and Buddhism with a difference

Dates for 2019: July 17 to 21

"Buddhafield Festival is an intimate and joyful gathering of around 3,000 people, celebrating community and connection with the land. Song, dance, arts and crafts, yoga, meditation, and play blend together without drink or drugs to create a loving and life-affirming space. There will be Buddhist teaching, workshops and ritual, under sun and stars. The Festival is family-friendly and open to everyone, however you practice.