Sangha News

Radical Re-Orientation: The 2021 Buddhism and Race Speaker Series

Monthly virtual events from January through August with talks on moving beyond racial integration toward decolonized, indigenized and anti-racist practices and communities. These fill quickly so register early!

To learn more and register visit:

The questions guiding their work include:

Fall Vajra Bell Magazine online: Climate Change: It's really happening

The pandemic and its impact on our lives and well-being and, most recently, racial justice have dominated our headlines and seized our attention. In the midst of these challenges, an issue that remains as critical, and increasingly so, is climate change. As Bikkhu Anālayo said, “It’s really happening.” Before the pandemic struck, we had planned to focus on the climate crisis and what our responsibilities as Buddhists are. We offer reflections in this issue on this question from Anālayo, Vessantara, Gunopeta and Aryadrishti.

Mitra Ceremony in the Park

On Saturday November 21,2020 in Mclaren Park, San Francisco, Prasadachitta and Shunyamala conducted Mitra Ceremonies for 6 new Mitras - Ciara, Jayson, Jon, Karla, Riaz and Zue. Sadhu!

It was a really beautiful event, and very moving.  Many thanks to everyone who made it possible, and welcome to the 6 Mitras. 

Padmatara, SFBC

Ordination at Dharmadhara, CA

Viradhamma ordained Rob Devney from the Seattle Sangha on Sunday Sep 20 at Dharmadhara in Lake County.  His Order name is Siladhara Siladhara (long ‘i’ as in ‘police,’ third ‘a’ as in ‘father’), a Pali name meaning “He who upholds ethical practice.”

Viradhamma was both the Private and Public preceptor.  


Black Lives Matter

As our former Chair, and as a woman of color working with movements for social justice Viveka has often led compassionate reflections with our sangha during moments of national racial tension such as the one we are in now. 

She wanted to offer these personal reflections to our community, along with a Podcast she and Paramananda gave in May.

The sentiments expressed here have the full support of the SFBC Council.

Dear Sangha friends,

Responding to COVID 19

As we continue to learn how best to live duing these changing times, the SFBC is gradually offering more online resources.  

At Sangha Night April 15, Viveka led an evening of tending to the heart and emotions in the midst of COVID-19, including a practice of tonglen compassion meditation. The talk begins at 19:47 of this recording.