Sangha News

Theme for 2023: Pathways to Awakening


Wednesdays in 2023, 7pm to 9pm. 

Caminante, no hay camino, se hace camino al andar. Pathmaker, there is no path, the path is made by walking. (Antonio Machado)

There are as many paths to awakening as there are beings - it's up to us to start walking and let each step reveal itself, until, as some would say, we discover we were already where we wanted to be. Luckily the Buddha gave countless clear instructions to guide us. This year we'll look at some of them together. 

End of Year at SFBC

As we approach the end of 2022 we want to thank everyone who has taken part in the courses, classes and retreats we have held over last two years. We have very much appreciated your presence and your generosity while we all navigated the changes brought by the pandemic. 

We are fortunate that so many people are willing to share their kindness, wisdom and time to make the dharma available to more and more people who might benefit, regardless of income. 

SFBC President Visit

Samayashri is visiting the SFBC Dec 7 to 10. During her visit she will lead Sangha Night Wednesday Dec 7, and a gathering for order members and mitras Dec 10. She is looking forward to getting to know us.  More information will follow soon. 

Death of Saramati

Saramati had a strong connection with the SFBC Sangha. He was instrumental in helping set up Triratna activities in the Bay Area in 1988, when he taught Buddhism at Stanford University.  He and his wife, Varasuri, practiced with us until moving to Missoula in 1991. He came back several times to lead retreats and study sessions with our sangha….

Here is the notice that went out to the international order:

20th September 2022

Dear Friends,

Opening our doors (again) March 16

Beginning March 16 we are happy to announce that we will resume our "hybrid" Sangha Nights - in-person with a zoom option.  We are erring on the side of caution to protect the vulnerable, and ask that you register and read our regularly updated safety requirements before attending.  

You only need to register once to receive our updates.  

If all goes well we will begin to offer more classes and events in person.

Fingers crossed, and be well. 

Ordination in San Francisco (and Canada)

I am delighted to announce that the public ordination of Mary Salome from San Francisco, CA took place at the San Francisco Buddhist Center on August 29, 2021.

Mary Salome becomes Rodashruti (the a, u and i are short, accent on the first and third syllable)
a Sanskrit name meaning “She who listens to the cries of the world.”

Registered spelling Rodashruti

Private preceptor Vimalasara
Public preceptor Karunadevi


With Metta,
