Sangha News

Mitra Ceremonies


September 25: Mitra Ceremony

Three members of our community have made a personal commitment to practicing with the SFBC Sangha as Mitras and following the Buddhist precepts of non-harm. This simple and joyful ceremony will mark the occasion.  

Triratna Day April 6 - Celebrate Online

This year Triratna Day online is on the actual anniversary of the founding of the Triratna Buddhist Community. It’ll be the 57th ‘birthday’ and will be broadcast live from Monmouth Street, the site of the first center, and other historical sites associated with the early days.

Join Sanghas from around the world through The Buddhist Center [online] - more information and program here.


SFBC Picnic and Fundraiser - Thank you!

A very big thank you to everyone for making Saturday's picnic and fundraiser such a success! A special thanks to Prasadachitta and all the people - too many to name here - who contributed their invaluable organizational and creative skills: the food was fabulous, the pies were amazing, the auction was incredible, the picnic was excellent, the resourcefulness in dealing with the wind was impressive - and more that I've forgotten. I'm looking forward to seeing the photos. 


Ordinations in Spain

Message from Guhyaloka Retreat Center in Spain:

We are delighted to announce the ordinations of ... nineteen men at Guhyaloka on Monday 29th May 2023.

Including our SFBC friend (back row, second from right): 

Brad Shwagler becomes Abhayamoksha - 'He who is liberated through fearlessness'
Private preceptor Prasadacitta

Abhayamoksha will be on retreat for several more weeks. 

Some of you may also know Jan:

Jan Strocki becomes Adbhutaja - 'He who is born from what is wonderful'
Private preceptor Paramabandhu

Theme for 2023: Pathways to Awakening


Wednesdays in 2023, 7pm to 9pm. 

Caminante, no hay camino, se hace camino al andar. Pathmaker, there is no path, the path is made by walking. (Antonio Machado)

There are as many paths to awakening as there are beings - it's up to us to start walking and let each step reveal itself, until, as some would say, we discover we were already where we wanted to be. Luckily the Buddha gave countless clear instructions to guide us. This year we'll look at some of them together. 

End of Year at SFBC

As we approach the end of 2022 we want to thank everyone who has taken part in the courses, classes and retreats we have held over last two years. We have very much appreciated your presence and your generosity while we all navigated the changes brought by the pandemic. 

We are fortunate that so many people are willing to share their kindness, wisdom and time to make the dharma available to more and more people who might benefit, regardless of income.